Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Breakfast? It's a wrap. Oh no.


I was in one of those pub chains last night for a quick drink with son number two and his girlfriend.  One of those chains with several pubs in large towns.

End of a busy day, so for my part, nothing more than swift one and leave the other two to get on with a night of it.

During a conversation lull I picked up one of the many menus on the table, noticing that it was a 'new menu introduced in March'.  With the other two now picking up their conversation I was able to browse the 'new' bits, and as is my habit, my eyes followed naturally to the breakfast section.  I'm a big fan of breakfast, it's an excellant habit to have.  First job was to check that the still uber-cool black pudding remains on offer - you really can't beat fried pigs blood for breakfast.  But before I could even manage that, something else slipped into vision.

The breakfast wrap.  Bacon, egg, sausage, hash browns, tomatoes I think, all in a wrap.  There might be something else in there but I was too appalled to read on.  Breakfast wrap.  Sorry, I'm more than happy with a sandwich, in fact as a student in Newcastle years ago, you could get buns the size of a decent frisbee filled with a full English.  Marvellous.  But a wrap?  Even supermarkets have eased the sandwich slightly to one side in favour of  'The Wrap'.   The wrap thing always tastes to me like a slightly more pliable than usual cardboard.

By this time the other two had overheard my snorts of dismay and silently shook heads.  Even they, the late teen, 20-somethings could find little to celebrate.  It's all a bit trendy. We need to step back from the edge.  One day I'll tell you about the time I went into a High Street coffee house chain and asked for a coffee with milk please.  This request was way out of the range of the girl behind the counter who could only attempt to sell me a frappa, mocho, choca something or other.  That's for another day.

Now the normal, on a plate, breakfasts at this venue mentioned above, are terrific.  I'm a major fan.  And if you want to sell me a full English in a bun the size of a caravan wheel, I'm there. Other than that, no thanks.

Anyway I've got that off my chest and I can't think of anything else to say.

It's a wrap.  Damn!

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